Volume 6, Number 4

The Influence of Problem-Based Learning Communities on Research Literacy and Achievement Goal Motivation


Mary Gutman, Efrata College, Israel


The current study investigates two Problem-Based Learning (PBL) processes that were carried out in two different Online Learning Communities of 62 pre-service teachers who took a Research Literacy course as a part of their academic obligation. The first one was combined with the moderator based learning scaffoldings (OLC+M), and the other one with the social based learning scaffoldings (OLC+S). The study seeks to map the differences between these two OLCs in terms of Achievement Goal Motivation and Research Literacy skills as a result of the PBL intervention, and the correlation between these aspects as is expressed in each group. The findings indicated that PBL had a significant positive effect on AGM in both groups, while only the OLC+S showed the significant outperforming in some of the Research Literacy skills, as well as the positive correlation between them and the Mastery Approach component of AGM. The discussion raises possible interpretations of theoretical and practical relationships between Research Literacy skills in the educational field and motivational factors among adult students, as they are expressed in online communication environments.


Problem-Based Learning, Online Learning Community, Social Scaffoldings, Research Literacy, Achievement Goal Motivation