
Current issue

July 2024, Volume 11, Number 2/3

Possibilities and Limitations of Biodegradable Plastics
Lauren S. Kim1 and Yesol Seo2, 1South Korea, 2Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea

January 2024, Volume 11, Number 1

Role of Computational Biology in Oral Science
Deepak T.A1, Anulekha C.K2, Suchindra Suchindra3 and Avinash Tejasvi2, Ms. Mariyam Nadhira4, 1V.S Dental College and Hospital, India, 2Kameneni Institute of Dental Science, India, 3National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, India, 4The Maldives National University, Maldives

Next Generation Sequencing in Detecting Oral Cancer Due to Tobacco Consumption
Ngoc Hoi Nguyen1, Quang-Trung Nguyen1, Deepak T.A2, Suchindra Suchindra3 and Avinash Tejasvi4, 1Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam, 2V.S Dental College and Hospital, India, 3National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, India, 4Kameneni Institute of Dental Science, India