Volume 12, Number 3

Inclusion of Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Lesotho Primary Schools


Motlalepula Alphonci. Khumalo, National University of Lesotho, Lesotho


The Lesotho Inclusive Education Policy 2018 aims to integrate all learners with special needs, with teachers playing a crucial role in including autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This paper focused on exploring teachers' perceptions of including learners with ASD in mainstream primary schools in Lesotho. Ten practising teachers, pursuing a bachelor’s degree, were selected for semi-structured interviews regarding their experiences teaching learners with ASD. A phenomenological approach was used to analyse their responses. The findings indicate that the Lesotho education system does not adequately support learners with autism. Teachers feel unprepared to accommodate these learners and lack understanding of their needs. The findings suggest various forms of support to help manage ASD effectively. Therefore, a national study is recommended to assess teachers’ needs in supporting learners with autism spectrum disorders, which would inform the successful implementation of the Lesotho Inclusive Education Policy (LIEP) 2018 in mainstream schools.


Autism Spectrum Disorders, inclusion, learners, teachers, mainstream primary schools, Lesotho