Volume 9, Number 4

Abstraction and Development in the Art and Culture in China


Daniela Grubisic, Shanghai University, China


The paper researches the beginning of abstraction in Chinese art as a Chinese calligraphy value connected to Abstract expressionism. It explores Shitao calligraphy from Ming Dinasti, which is connected to Jackson Pollock's action painting and is the beginning of abstract expressionism. The paper establishes research of the artwork as an unconscious manifestation of the act of pure creation throughout the development of abstraction. The Paper also explores changes in Chinese values, the development of Chinese identity, and the impact of modernization and globalization on contemporary art today and ultimately its impact on the growing cultural and creative industry. According that the paper researching the artworks of some contemporary artists who have significantly contributed to the development of contemporary art inside and outside China, achieving great success on the global stage. The research method includes the analysis and comparison of the art of the East and the West with the practical method of artwork.


China art, Abstract expressionisam, Culture, Development, Globalism.