Volume 11, Number 3

Entrepreneurship Education for Human Resource Development: Study Bibliometric


Nanis Hairunisya1, Sulastri Rini Rindrayani2, Fajar Supanto3 and Syaiful Arifin3, 1Indocakti College of Economics, Indonesia, 2Bhineka PGRI University, Tulungagung, Indonesia, 3Merdeka University, Indonesia


The human resource development strategy involves higher education. In this manner, the business course plans to furnish understudies with the abilities required in the realm of work.. However, the success of entrepreneurship education (EE) still cannot meet the expectations of human resource departments in several companies. Student skills only match the needs of SMEs. Through bibliometric analysis, this study seeks to ascertain future research directions on the relationship between (EE) and human resource development (HRD) for improvement. Using "Publish and Perish" and "Mendeley web importer" Publishing trends peaked in 2017 and 2021 with 42 articles. The first rank is occupied by Sustainability (Switzerland) Journal with a total of 31 articles. The quote pattern shows an up-and-down pattern. there are 4 clusters. Clusters 1 and 2 each have 7 items. Clusters 3 & 4 each have 2 items. author collaboration with a minimum number of occurrences of two documents, resulting in 8 authors who are connected consistently. The implication is that the implementation of EE must be reorganized starting from input, process to output in order to meet HR needs. for further research this study suggests new indicators for EE and HRD variables.


Entrepreneur Education, Entrepreneur Training, Human Resources Development, Human Resources Training.