Volume 8, Number 3

Educational Digital Games as Learning Tools: Microsoft Kodu's Case


Christos Lalos1 and Ilektra Skarpa2, 1University of Alicante, Spain, 2University of Murcia, Spain


The virtual environments of electronic games and, in general, digital media engagement undoubtedly attract the interest of young people in your days. On the other hand, students in schools seem to enjoy the traditional educational process. Students, therefore, need to be motivated to participate in school lessons, and a way to achieve this, is to use new digital media that are considered particularly popular with young people. The main objective of the project is to propose a didactic approach to achieving some of the objectives of the courses in the Primary School. In particular, an educational game is presented and developed as an example, with the help of Microsoft Kodu digital software, and it is recorded how it works as a learning tool.


Electronic communities, digital game, educational software, Microsoft Kodu