Volume 8, Number 4

Digital Competences for Teachers - The Digi.Kompp Model in an International Comparison and in the Practice of Austrian Teacher Training


Gerhard Brandhofer1 and Marlene Miglbauer2, 1University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria, Austria, 2University College of Virtual Teacher Education, Austria


The digital competences of teachers have not yet been given sufficient attention in Austria. In order to meet this need, the digi.kompP model has been developed on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs, led by the University College of Virtual Teacher Education. Based on national and international framework models, the competency model is to serve as an instrument for self-assessment and continuous professional development as well as for (higher) school development. The following is a brief overview of international models that were relevant for the development of the competence grid. After that the competence grid itself and its categories are presented. The article concludes with a discussion of the integration of the competence grid into the international framework and its benefits in the Austrian education system. This article aims to make a theoretical contribution to the categorization of teachers' competencies


Educational research, Alternative teaching methods, Teaching aids, Media literacy